Vitamin D: what is it, and does it impact testosterone?

Vitamin D: what is it, and does it impact testosterone?

4 min read


26 Jul 2023

Supercharge your day

  • What is vitamin D
  • Does it increase t levels?
  • The benefits of vitamin D
  • The best vitamin D sources
  • The pros and cons of vitamin D
  • Testosterone is essential for our physical and mental well-being. It increases our muscle and bone strength, boosts our energy, maintains and boosts our sexual health and libido and helps to keep our mood balanced. 

    When we hit the age of 30, our levels naturally start decreasing, and we can often experience symptoms such as fatigue, lack of sex drive, a reduction in strength and even mood swings or depression. 

    This doesn’t mean the party’s over! 

    There are natural ways to combat the symptoms of low testosterone and get the balance right again and is doesn't mean going through high-risk testosterone replacement therapy, either. 

    Is vitamin D the answer?

    What is vitamin D?

    Our bodies need Vitamin D to remain healthy. It’s an essential vitamin that balances the calcium in our blood and bones and maintains bone and tissue strength. 

    Vitamin D also plays a vital role in our nervous, musculoskeletal, and immune systems. A lack of vitamin D in our system can lead to bone and muscle weakness, cramps, fatigue, and depression. It can also disrupt sleep, depression, hair loss and a loss of appetite. 

    Does it increase t levels?

    Recent studies have found that low vitamin D levels are independently associated with low testosterone levels in healthy middle-aged men. 

    An experiment on 54 men, published in “Hormone and Metabolic Research,” concluded that the 50% who received vitamin D supplementation saw their testosterone levels raised significantly. 

    The placebo group, who received no supplementation, saw no level change. Previous studies on mice also concluded that low vitamin D levels are associated with low testosterone levels. It’s no surprise when you consider the benefits of vitamin D help to combat many of the side effects of low t levels, such as low mood, lack of strength, sex drive and energy.

    The benefits of vitamin D.

  • It’s great for the immune system.
  • It improves your mood. 
  • It can help weight loss.
  • It lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. 
  • It’s great for cardio health and can reduce the risk of heart disease
  • It strengthens bones and tissue.
  • It helps to increase energy and sexual function.
  • The best vitamin D sources.

    So what’s the best way to get vitamin D into our system? 


    One of the easiest ways to absorb vitamin D is through exposure to the sun. Spending time outdoors when the sun is shining is a great way to get a nice dose of the vitamin. 

    The sun shining through trees

    The drawbacks are that you’re unlikely to benefit if you live in a location that doesn’t get too much sunlight. Those with darker skin and those older will not get enough vitamin D from the sun to benefit them.

    Through your daily diet.

    The best dietary sources of vitamin D are-

  • Fatty fish and seafood
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Orange Juice
  • Cereal
  • Yogurt
  • Mushrooms
  • Beef liver
  • Taking a vitamin D supplement. 

    Taking a daily supplement is the easiest way to ensure you get the correct dose (approximately ten micrograms) of Vitamin D daily. You can safely consume more than this, but it’s recommended that you don’t take too much as you’re also likely to be absorbing some from your daily food intake too.

    The pros and cons of Vitamin D.

    So we know that it is a multi-purpose essential vitamin, but let’s see if the good points outweigh the bad.

    The pros of Vitamin D

    Let’s see exactly what we can expect and what we need from vitamin D.

    It enhances bone health and muscle strength

    Vitamin D combines with calcium to build stronger bones as it helps the body absorb calcium from our diet. It’s used to help treat those with weak bones. Vitamin D also plays an essential role in muscle growth and strength.

    Man exercising by skipping

    It improves cognitive function

    Because Vitamin D is an essential calcium-regulating hormone, it plays a role in maintaining cognitive function and mood regulation. It has also been used to try to alleviate age-related cognitive decline.

    It lowers the risk of heart disease

     A low vitamin D level means you are likely at risk of health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can lead to heart disease. Studies have revealed that people with higher blood levels of vitamin D have lower rates of cardiovascular disease.

    It’s great for the immune system

    Vitamin D has long been renowned for helping the immune system fight bacteria and viruses. A recent study from the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh concluded that how vitamin D metabolites can dramatically influence the immune system.

    Graphic of a close-up of bacteria

    Energy and sexual health

    Research from Newcastle University has shown that Vitamin D is essential for making our muscles work efficiently and boosting energy levels. A 2010 study published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology concluded that men with enough vitamin D had more testosterone hormone in their system, leading to greater energy and a higher sex drive.

    The cons of Vitamin D

    Let’s have a look at the one major drawback of vitamin D.

    Taking too much vitamin D can cause health issues.

    The only side effect of vitamin D intake is the amount you consume. Ten micrograms is sufficient, but you can take up to 25 micrograms. 

    Taking significantly more than this over a long period may lead to health issues as it can cause a calcium build-up, which can adversely affect the heart, bones and kidneys.

    How should I take vitamin D?

    Due to its powerful ability to combat symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, it’s no surprise that Vitamin D is one of many essential ingredients in TestoPrime

    This all-natural testosterone support can help any man take control of his youthful vitality with a flood of new and natural testosterone.